Ventos da Terra Fria
LP / CD 2023, Equilibrium Music
Legends and myth, rites and cries
Stories past, living new life in the hands of today. Living the present, that in future will be Past.
Awakening the old. As free as the wind blown by wood and echoed by the vibrating perring fur.
Back to the land, to grass, to heather, to honey, to being.
The wolf howls under the moon
Fear covers the snow, like expanding music.
Coarse yet finished. So claim the artisan’s hands.
Urze de Lume represent a homage to the past. Strongly inspired by the Iberian tradition, their music aims to celebrate the roots which identify a people and bind them to their land.
Their repertoire transmits the surviving soul of an era in which man and nature walked hand in hand, with respect for the land, the occult and its origins.
The main features of Urze de Lume is the use of Iberian ethnic instruments such as bagpipes, war drums, horns, ancient stringed instruments among others. This combination blossoms into a powerful and unique sound that summons the very deep Lusitanian roots.
Gonçalo do Carmo
Hugo Araújo
Ricardo Brito
Tiago Araújo
Lendas e mitos, ritos e gritos…
Histórias passadas nas mãos de hoje vivem vidas, vividas num presente, que num futuro serão passado.
Passado desperto, liberto como o vento soprado pela madeira e ecoado pela pele vibrante.
De volta à terra, à erva, à urze, ao mel, ao ser presente.
Sob a Lua uiva o lobo
Sobre a neve corre o medo, como música em expansão
Rude e sentida como a obra acabada às mãos de um artesão.
Fundado no inverno de 2009, Urze de Lume é uma forma de memória viva do imaginário ancestral português.
Fortemente inspirado pela tradição ibérica, procura através da música celebrar as raízes que unem o povo à sua terra e o identificam.
O seu repertório transmite a alma sobrevivente de uma era em que homem e natureza caminhavam lado a lado, com o respeito pela terra, pelo oculto e pela sua origem.
01. Pastora de Pedras | 02. Cova de Lobo | 03. Cerro Acima | 04. Ventos da Terra Fria | 05. Bramas pt. I | 06. À Meia Noite Dança o Diabo | 07. A Lenta Ruína dos Tempos | 08. Marchai Penedos d’Outrora | 09. Bramas pt. II | 10. Canção a Larouco
Focused on the traditional Portuguese imagery and inspired by the ancestry of primitive Iberian culture, “Ventos da Terra Fria” reignites the soundscapes that illustrate the territory, from its first human vestiges to the near extinct rural world of present times, where shamanism, paganism and the duality between the sacred and the profane have become little more than a time-worn vision.
Drawing from a palette of multiple traditional instruments, and borrowing from select field recordings, Urze de Lume have built a unique cinematic piece that transforms Folk and World Music into living memory and lore. It recreates vistas of mist crawling down mountain slopes as thunderstorms crackle across the horizon, but also scenes of harvest, grazing and celebration, revisiting times and places where man slowly carved his imprint as he himself became part of his surroundings.
“Ventos da Terra Fria” comes in textured Digipak, and also in three limited edition vinyl editions, for the first time in the band’s career. (Equilibrium Music – EQM049, 2023)
01. Acto I | 02. Acto II | 03. Acto III | 04. Acto IV
“Candeias nos Ermos” (Lamps in the Wilderness) is a work focused on oral tradition and Portuguese folklore.
Stories of the occult, where demons, witches, spirits and possessions inhabit the rural imaginary of the Barroso region, (Trás-os-Montes, Portugal).
We took advantage of the Samhain celebration to invite you to be part of this sound journey through the wilderness of a deep Portugal, where the lamp is our only companion. (Urze de Lume, 2020)
A1. Capítulo I – No lume oiço o uivar | A2. Capítulo II – Da minha salvação | A3. Capítulo III – Passei tanto tempo entre as pedras e o céu | A4. Capítulo IV – Que me tornei parte destes ermos | A5. Capítulo V – Desta imensidão em que me deixo, e parto | B1. Capítulo VI – Para lá da noite | B2. Capítulo VII – Para a escuridão
Still present on the collective memory of the brave Lusitanian ancestors, “Histórias de Lobos – Entre o Lume e a Escuridão” (Wolf Stories – Between the Fire and Darkness) come to us as a dark winter night, remembering that not long ago the call of the wolves of old was heard through the mountains of Portugal…
Through a blend of dark ambient, clean guitars and more harsher sounds, URZE DE LUME tries to draw the moments where wolves rise as memories, and memories arise as wolves.
“Histórias de Lobos…” was released on cassette tape, limited to 75 handnumbered copies with download code, and was quickly sold out. (Two Moons Records – MOON001, Equilibrium Music – EQM048, 2020)
01. Sobre Folhas de Carvalho | 02. As Árvores Estão Secas e Não Têm Folhas | 03. Prenúncio de Gelo | 04. Da Tua Ausência | 05. Solidão | 06. Fantasmas das Horas Mortas | 07. Encruzilhadas | 08. Sombras no Vento | 09. Margens do Rio Outono | 10. Entardece em Mim | 11. Longa é a Noite | 12. Alvorada de Destroços
“…The trees have grown dry and bare, as have I…”
The second and final chapter of URZE DE LUME‘s ode to Autumn. On their third album, URZE DE LUME turn inwards for a soothing journey which illustrates not only departure, but also homecoming, meticulously setting to music memories imbued with both nostalgia and longing.
Bonds to both Nature and tradition are at the heart of the band’s rendition of Dark Folk, and both skillfully come together on this acoustic introspective incursion into life’s ever-looming solitude.
“As Árvores…” is appropriately robed in an Autumn-tinged matte-varnished Digipak. (Equilibrium Music – EQM045, 2018)
01. Vozes na Neblina I | 02. Quando as Nuvens Escurecem | 03. Vozes na Neblina II | 04. Outono Eterno
URZE DE LUME take on a more quiet stance, in contemplation of the beauty of Fall.
Two new instrumental tracks, as well as two preludes narrated by their friends and brothers-in-arms ÀRNICA. The semi-transparent CD disc is housed in silver-printed black carton stock, in a limited edition of 300 numbered copies. Also available in a limited edition of 50 copies, mounted on a laser engraved wood slice. (Equilibrium Music – EQM029, 2017)
01. Caminhos Da Urze | 02. Escuro Inverno | 03. Entrudo de Lume | 04. Foiçadas de Lume | 05. A Cabra E O Canhoto | 06. Só | 07. Entre Os Ventos E A Saudade | 08. Marcha Dos Travóes | 09. Garrano | 10. Larouco | 11. La Fora A Neve | 12. Por Terras Do Demo | 13. Geada Negra | 14. Memórias de Inverno | 15. Lamento “por Uma Alvorada de Destroços”
While deeply rooted in Portuguese traditional Folk, URZE DE LUME delve further into the realm of Dark Folk, in a concept work that takes us back through old forgotten paths into the heart of northern Portuguese landscapes.
Released in a 6-panel Digipak, ilustrated by Albæ Mostazovska, in a limited edition of 300 numbered copies. Also available in a limited (and now sold out) edition of 50 copies, in a goatskin pouch with an exclusive patch. (Urze de Lume, 2015)
01. Jota da Fraga | 02. Baile dos Caretos | 03. Repasseado da Urze | 04. Entre os Ventos e a Saudade | 05. À Flôr do Mondego – Urze de Lume | 06. Tempestade | 07. Nas Mãos do Medo | 08. Corridinho Transmontano | 09. Arnade | 10. Ibéria Oculta | 11. Cornos das Alturas
Live recording of the concert held at Tertúlia Castelense (Maia, PT), on 11-11-2011. (Urze de Lume, 2014)
01. Alvorada De Montesinho | 02. Jota Da Fraga | 03. Baile Dos Caretos | 04. Ritos Ao Luar | 05. Nas Mãos De Medo | 06. À Flor Do Mondego | 07. Urze De Lume | 08. Repasseado Da Urze | 09. Corridinho Transmontano | 10. Arnade | 11. Ibéria Oculta | 12. Cornos Das Alturas | 13. Tempestade
Debut album, issued on jewelcase CD. (Urze de Lume, 2012)
Thoughts from the past whispers in music… Musical daydreams of a one man band. A solo project by Ricardo Brito. (Reminiscence, 2022)
Thoughts from the past whispers in music… Musical daydreams of a one man band. A solo project by Ricardo Brito. (Reminiscence, 2020)
A collection of atmospheric acoustic music, by the At Sea Compilations, which includes Quando As Nuvens Escurecem. (At Sea Compilations, 2017)
Debut album by THE ROYAL BLASPHEMY, with Portuguese bagpipe and war drums on the track Anarchy. (Le Baron Rouge Records & Management, 2017)
A sampler by the Gorish blog, which includes Alvorada De Montesinho. (2016)
Limited edition 7″ EP by ÀRNICA (ES), featuring guest appearances by URZE DE LUME and NEØNYMUS. (Gradual Hate Records – GH 126 VN, Soliferro – SFR04, 2015)
Iberian Dark Folk Compilation CD featuring the track Alvorada De Montesinho. (Ahnstern – Ahnstern 51, Soliferro – SFR03, 2014)